Sun 20Nov2022

By the Waters of Babylon

All Saints Clifton BS8 3ED


Programmes £10 at the door. Students £5, and accompanied under-16s free

Many millions of people are today wandering the Earth to escape violence, tyranny, poverty and hunger, perhaps more than at any time in human history. The experience of being a stranger in a foreign land, far from family, loved-ones and anywhere to call home is all-too-familiar. Not an obviously cheerful theme for a concert, but this experience has been a reality for so long, that a great deal of wonderful early music reflects it. The destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people provided a rich Biblical source of texts. No harps in this programme, but we do have viols.

To Dominique Phinot's breath-taking setting of The Lamentations, we are adding motets by Victoria, Clemens, Escobar and Monteverdi, love-songs by Dufay, Isaac, Josquin, and a piece of 15th century liturgical music from Ukraine.

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