I hope you’ve all got the date of the AGM in your diaries: it will be on July 20th in Backwell, at the workshop to be led by the ever-popular Peter Leech, our past Chair. There will be more details with the June Diary, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about some of the matters we’ll have to consider at the AGM. One very important item will be finding a replacement for Lindsey as Diary editor; the editor plays a key role in keeping members in touch with what’s going on, both in SWEMF and in the wider early music scene. We have been very fortunate in our recent editors – Heather, Steve and of course Lindsey herself, who has done a wonderful job for the past five years. She will be very happy to discuss the requirements of the role with anyone interested in taking it on, so if you’re considering doing so, don’t hesitate to get in touch – one of the great things about SWEMF is that members are always willing to offer their services, so we never need to twist arms! And if there are any ideas which you’d like to have discussed at the meeting, let me know so I can make sure they’re included in the agenda.
Enclosed with this issue of the Diary you will find a leaflet setting out full details of the forthcoming Bristol Early Music Festival. Do consider coming along to some or all of the events, and in particular please support the Chant workshop being given by Emma Hornby, which is sponsored by SWEMF. As those who came to her last workshop will know, Emma is an excellent tutor, and the opportunity to perform the music we’ve studied in its proper liturgical context at the end of the afternoon gives a special flavour to the event. If you’re intending to come, just apply via the booking form in the Festival leaflet or online at https://bristolearlymusicfestival.uk/. We’d also still like to hear from anyone willing to display their instrument(s) as part of the exhibition being held on the Saturday. And recorder players tell me that the workshop with Annabel Knight is also something not to be missed. I look forward to meeting many of you at a Festival event. Meanwhile, happy music-making!
– Clare Griffel