I hope that you and your loved ones have all stayed well through this difficult winter. It really does seem that there may be a realistic hope of getting back to something a bit more like normal life before long – we are planning our first face-to-face workshop since the pandemic on May 22nd in Glastonbury (see the SWEMF Events Page for more details, and thanks to Venetia Caine for organising), though of course like everything else at the moment this is subject to cancellation should the situation change. And I hope that members won’t be offended if I say that I suspect many of us are in a position to have had our vaccination soon! All being well, we also hope to reinstate most of the events which had to be postponed from last year, so keep an eye on the website.
Meanwhile there continues to be an almost embarrassing range of online activities on offer. We are trying to ensure that SWEMF is offering something a bit different, but as always we are very open to suggestions – so if you feel that your interest in early 14th-century Latvian polyphony is not being adequately catered for at the moment, just let us know!
It’s the time of year for membership renewals, there is an updated Renewal Form here – we will be encouraging you to pay by bank transfer if at all possible this year, to make life simpler for everyone.
One final piece of good news – I’m delighted that Marilyn Pocock has kindly offered to take on the role of Devon rep. That leaves only Wiltshire without a rep at present, so if you’re a resident of the county and would like to offer your services, please get in touch.
Thanks as always to all the members of your committee for all their work in keeping SWEMF running smoothly. Keep safe, and I look forward to seeing many of you before too long.
– Clare