And what, I hear some of you say, has the image from this Diary got to do with early music? It’s a good question, to which I might reply in one of two ways. Firstly, the classical myths are profoundly connected to the repertoire, and this is a rather lovely example of a visual aid to classical education for the young. Secondly, this is my penultimate Diary as editor, so in a demob-happy way, I’ve chosen an image of spring that appeals. Look out for next quarter!
There is a great deal to offer with this Diary. The number of festivals and summer schools seems to be growing each year. SWEMF has no less than eight workshops to offer between now and the end of September, from early plainchant to opera choruses and much of what lies between. At our AGM, the ever-popular Peter Leech is directing a workshop on music from the 17thcentury Viennese court, in Backwell. In addition, it is hoped that the unavoidable cancellation of Gawain Glenton’s Michael Praetorius workshop in February will be redeemed through an alternative date in June or October. Please look out for this on the website and in the June Diary.
Those of us in the north of the region also have the excitement of the first Bristol Early Music Festival to which to look forward in May. The first half of 2019 is shaping up to be very lively indeed!
Those of you in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, please do think about representing your members in SWEMF as those posts are still vacant. We hope to make an appointment to Dorset at the AGM. Thank you to members in Dorset and Gloucestershire who sent in concert notices this time, enhancing the listings. We still have nothing for Wiltshire, I’m afraid, underlining the real need of Wiltshire members for a rep. And do please come forward to edit the Diary if this is within your scope and capabilities. It’s a fun job!
– Lindsey Shaw-Miller