There is always much to enjoy in the music of the festive season. Much of the best is early music, often partnered by contemporary pieces inspired by those forebears. The SWEMF new year will get off to a good start on 26th January, with a workshop in Glastonbury directed by Peter Syrus and organized by Venetia Caine. In February we have Gawain Glenton in Gloucester, followed by Loud Wind with Tim Bayley in March. Also in March we have another West Bay workshop to follow on the spectacular success of Matt Kingston’s workshop there in September. What a lively prospect is the new year! Further details on the SWEMF Events page.
Speaking of lively, there has not yet been a rush of people volunteering to take over my job as editor. If you are even considering taking this on, do please speak to me or to Clare Griffel as we would love to hear from you. If no-one comes forward, the rôle of the Diary itself may have to change. This may not be a bad thing, as the website is increasingly the first port of call for information.
In the meantime, however, we carry on, and I should very much like to hear from members about their views of the Diary itself and of the Forum and what we do. There are so many intelligent views and perceptions among our members, I’d love to encourage some discourse in the Diary, perhaps a letters page. If you have something you’d like to contribute, or an issue on which you have a view, please do write to me, either by email or to the address on the list of officers, and if I can I’ll print your letter.
A very Happy Christmas and an excellent year in 2019 to you all!
– Lindsey Shaw-Miller